Voorheesville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Voorheesville, NY is 2.8k. Its median household income is $97,938. The median property value was $233,400 in 2019. The homeownership rate is 84.4%, and most residents drive alone to work. Almost one out of two residents in Voorheesville own a car. Almost one in five residents of Voorheesville City, NY commute by car.

The median age of residents in Voorheesville, NY is 42.6. This percentage includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. In 2018, the median age of all residents was 42.6. The average citizen's age is higher than in neighboring geographies. The city's population includes many military veterans. As of 2016, more than half of its residents are US citizens.

Income is another indicator of poverty in Voorheesville, NY. Males earn 1.29 times more than women, making up $64,156 on average. Voorheesville's income is also higher than the national average. The median age is 42.6 years, with a median household income of $121,329 per year. The poverty rate is 3.89%. Voorheesville's population is split between adults and seniors.