Wells Bridge, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Well-Bridge City, Texas, is diverse. It is made up of an equal number of white, black, Asian, and Hispanic residents. A minority of the population is considered non-citizen. Non-citizens include legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants. However, there are also a few distinct groups of people who live in the area.

In 2017, the population of Wells Bridge City, Texas, was 79,818. The median age was 30 years old. The population was spread out across different ages. There were 16.6% of those under the age of 18 living in the city, 38.7% were between 25-44, 17.1% were between 45-64, and 6.7% were 65 years old or older. The median age in the city was thirty years old, and the male to female ratio was 105.8.

The population of Wells Bridge City is 6,602 residents, of which 98.9% are citizens of the United States. The median property value in Bridge City was $134,900 in 2019, and the homeownership rate was 78.4%. Bridge City residents spent an average of 21.8 minutes getting to work. The average house value was $148,900. The median age of residents was 34.4 years, and the majority of residents were white.

The gender breakdown of the population of Wells Bridge City is interesting. It shows that the population is predominantly male. The majority of Bridge City residents live in single-family homes, which is unusual for a community of this size. Most Bridge City residents drive alone to work. About 0.968% of the population worked from home. For example, a male in Bridge City has a shorter commute than a woman in the same location.