West Eaton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Westeaton City, then you've come to the right place. Listed below is some information to get you started. If you're a real estate agent, you can use the list to compare prices between different homes. And if you're looking for a good place to buy a house, you can find a great one right in Eaton City.

The working population in West Eaton City is made up of people who work in sales and service industries, which could range from major accounts to fast food restaurants. Second in line are manufacturing and laborer occupations, which employ 32.2% of the city's residents. The remaining workers make up a mixture of professional and clerical occupations. Although the primary language of most residents is English, some residents also speak Spanish.

The median age in Eaton, OH is 41.6 years old. This figure includes both native-born citizens and people who were born in other countries. Native-born citizens made up 76.9% of the city's population, while foreign-born residents accounted for 1.31% of the city's total. However, the median age is lower for people who were born outside the city.

The population of West Eaton is around 1,300 people. This city is located in Madison County. It is located at an elevation of 1,358 feet. It appears on the West Eaton U.S. Geological Survey map. The city is in the Eastern Time Zone, UTC -5 hours. The zip code for West Eaton is 13484. The population in West Eaton is in the United States.