West Haverstraw, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of West Haverstraw, New York? According to the 2010 census, 61.1% of residents identify themselves as white. The following are the racial and ethnic groups represented in the city. Among those living in West Haverstraw, most speak English as their only language, while a small percentage also speak other languages. The city also has a lower divorce rate than other cities in New York and the U.S., with 8.7% of the population classified as divorced.

While West Haverstraw has a low overall high school graduation rate, the population has a higher percentage of college graduates than the national average. This community is served by the Haverstraw-Stony Point Csd (North Rockland) School District, which has 1 elementary school and one high school. If you're interested in knowing more about the community's population, check out our demographic information and demographics page.

The map below shows the race breakdown in West Haverstraw City. The colors on the map represent the self-identified racial majority. The darker the color, the larger the percentage. You can also view racial diversity scores for this community. This information can help you determine which race or ethnicity is more prevalent in West Haverstraw City. The population data was gathered from various sources, including Census reports and census data.

West Haverstraw City is located in Rockland County, New York. The population is 10,165 as of the 2010 Census. This city is located at a elevation of 110 feet. The population of West Haverstraw increased by 0.53% since the 2010 Census, and decreased by 0.74% from the 2000 census. The city's history can be traced back to 1833, when it was incorporated as a village.