Buies Creek, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking of relocating to Buies Creek City, NC, you should know some facts about the area before you do. Here are some interesting facts about Buies Creek. You can find out where people live, how much they make, and what their median age is. Also, you can check out the school rankings and the median income. These are just some of the information you will need to start your search for a new home.

People living in Buies Creek, NC are a diverse group. The median age is 20.6 years old, while foreign-born citizens are older at 22. This means that if you are not a native-born citizen of the area, you are more likely to be living on less than the minimum wage. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are people in Buies Creek, NC who work in other places but live in Buies Creek.

There are around 1.93k white residents in Buies Creek, NC. This city is home to 291 black or african-American residents, 180 people of Hispanic heritage, and 174 people who are Asian. Overall, there is a minority of people living in Buies Creek, and a large portion of the population identifies as non-Hispanic. And the median household income in Buies Creek, NC is $5,500.