Bunn, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in finding out more about Bunn? You can find out more about the city's population and the surrounding areas by exploring the map below. In addition to the map, you can view other nearby towns and see how they differ from Bunn. Use the buttons on the map to zoom in or out. This information is for reference purposes only. When searching for a school in Bunn, North Carolina, you can use the list of schools below to find out information. This includes the name of the school, address, ZIP code, and state.

The crime rate in Bunn City varies greatly depending on where you live. In the south, it may be as high as 1 in 29 and as low as one in 47 in the northeast. Comparing crime rates is not intuitive, but this map offers a simple count that closely resembles the population map of the state. South Bunn, for example, has an average of 18 crimes per year. On the other hand, west Bunn has no reported crimes.

The median household income in Bunn is $30,179. The median home value is $94,318. The median age is 43.7 years. Bunn's median household size is 2.62 people. Despite the low median income, the city's population is projected to rise by 9.3% by 2025. The city's racial makeup is evenly distributed between Black or African American and white residents. A small portion of the population is Hispanic.