Clarkton, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Clarkton City, MO? A quick glance at the town's population statistics will provide you with the data you need to make a sound decision. The population of Clarkton is approximately 15,500 people. The town is home to two colleges, one military barracks, and one correctional facility. The diversity index measures how likely two individuals living in the same neighborhood are to belong to different races or ethnic groups.

The wealth index measures affluence, based on a number of factors including average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. Those values are relative to the national average, with a higher value indicating wealthier residents. Overall, the wealth index in Clarkton, NC ranks higher than the wealth of its peer groups, which includes 739 other communities in North Carolina.

The median household income in Clarkton, MO is $25,500, making it a middle-class town. The poverty rate is 3.3 percent. Compared to neighboring communities, the median income is below the poverty line for most Clarkton residents. The highest-income group in Clarkton is White, while Hispanics and Other people make up the next largest groups. In addition, Clarkton has one school, which is located in the middle of town.

The town's response to the lawsuit involved a survey of the community's opinion of a housing project. Although the survey was not based on race, the results of the survey were considered significant. The town then backed out of the project, and recommended dropping all housing authority employees from the project. Those results were considered significant by the court, and the district court agreed. As a result, the Town of Clarkton was ordered to build 50 units of public housing in the city. These units could be funded by HUD or locally. The court also ordered the town officials to stop interfering with construction or applications for 50 units.