Emerald Isle, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a quick overview of the demographics in Emerald Isle City, NC, see the population and steets table below. This information is based on the most recent U.S. census data, and may not be comprehensive. If you're curious, you can also view the Emerald Isle census data in other cities nearby. The population and steets chart below shows the demographics for Emerald Isle, North Carolina.

A typical neighborhood in Emerald Isle City is made up of large homes, small houses, duplexes, and condominiums. You'll also find one oceanfront hotel. The neighborhood is home to both old and new houses. The land was purchased in 1951 for $350,000 and divided into 54 blocks of 1,000 feet each. The owners then drew names from a hat and decided on which blocks to develop. In addition, developers are limited to five blocks per block.

The Emerald Isle city is currently about 30 percent developed. According to this growth rate, the town may need a sewer system in the future. This would reduce acreage needs and save the town money on water system improvements. The sewer system would also save the town money on a new road system. If this plan is approved, the population and steets of Emerald Isle City, NC will be just over 2000 residents.

Besides the population and steets, there are also factors to consider before purchasing a home in Emerald Isle. For instance, the quality of life is important. Many homebuyers are looking for a walkable city while others prefer the quiet and open spaces of the suburbs. Some people may even be happy with a reasonable drive. And, in some neighborhoods, neighbors are highly desirable.