Franklinton, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Franklinton City, North Carolina population is estimated to be 2,456 people at the time of the 2020 census. The town's population is self-sufficient and varied, with some uses of land more suited to the arts. Below is a brief overview of the area's population and steets. To learn more about Franklinton's unique population characteristics, continue reading!

In 2003, the Columbus Plan for the area envisioned large buildings on lush grounds. The plan only partially materialized, however, and the area is still considered a part of Franklinton. The Scioto Peninsula Plan was first proposed in 1989, and the Scioto Peninsula became part of downtown Columbus in 1998. However, the Scioto Peninsula has since been considered a separate neighborhood. In 1998, the Columbus Downtown Improvement District established the Scioto Peninsula Community Organization for Sustainable Franklinton.

In addition to the National Register of Historic Places, Franklinton has several privately owned homes. The Sterling Cotton Mill is a national landmark, as is the Franklinton Depot. In addition, the C.L. and Bessie G. McGhee house is a privately owned home. The city's population was slowly decreasing as a result of this restriction. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimated that more than 90 percent of the city was in a floodplain, and as a result, the City Council implemented an ordinance restricting new construction until it met minimum flood insurance program requirements.

Franklinton is home to several neighborhoods that focus on the arts. This neighborhood is centered between Gift, Town, Lucas, and Rich Streets. Eventually, the Franklinton Art District will extend to East Franklinton. A number of developers have purchased and renovated some of these buildings. It is expected that Franklinton will become the new creative district for Columbus. So, take advantage of the area's many opportunities for growth!