Franklinville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Franklinvile City? Use this page to find out! This map shows the distance from Franklinville City to the center of all other nearby cities. The distance between Franklinville City and each of these cities is less than forty miles. The big cities are convenient if you need to book a flight between them. The smaller towns are great for road trips, too!

Using the AreaVibes Livability Score, you can find out which Franklinville neighborhoods are the most livable. Livability Score takes into account several factors including crime rates, cost of living, education, and housing. Once you know the scores for each city, you can see which are the most livable in Franklinville. And once you've ranked a few neighborhoods, you can choose the best one for your needs!

Using the rent burden in Franklinville as a proxy for housing affordability, we can see that 68.7% of the households in Franklinville live in rental apartments. This is significantly higher than the state's average rent burden of 32.2%, but much lower than neighboring cities. Additionally, there are fewer renters in Franklinville than in neighboring cities. If you're interested in figuring out the rent burden in Franklinville, look no further than our map!

Franklinville is located in northeastern Cattaraugus County, New York. It has a population of 2,822 according to the 2010 Census. The town's name is named after William Temple Franklin, a wealthy land agent for the Holland Land Company and the grandson of Benjamin Franklin. The town lies within the Ischua Valley, which is part of the Allegheny River's watershed. Two other creeks, Gates Creek and Saunders Creek, join the creek at the village's southeast.