Garysburg, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Garysburg City, NC is comprised of 880 people. The majority of residents are Black, followed by 12.3% of Hispanic and Latino people and 0.2% of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The remaining 0.2% are Hispanic or other, and the remainder identify as two or more races. Listed below is a summary of the town's racial makeup, as reported by the 2010 Census.

The livability score of a city consists of factors that affect its quality of life. In Garysburg City, the overall livability score is high. It is calculated by combining all data points and weighting them using an advanced statistical algorithm. Factors such as education levels, crime rates, cost of living, and overall happiness of residents are considered to determine a city's livability.

The crime rate of Garysburg is lower than that of many Sparse Suburban areas. Nearly half of the population is worried about crime, and residents of the town are more likely to have a higher education level than their counterparts. In fact, the overall gender ratio of Garysburg, NC is higher than the U.S. average of 49.2 to 50.8%. And the average number of military veterans is 3%.

The population of Garysburg is steadily decreasing over the last five years. The reason for this trend is complex, but can be traced to a single critical event. Long-term demographic trends and short-term events are the main causes for this decline. The population decline is often accompanied by a low birth rate, which triggers a domino effect. Low birth rates and low demand for basic services are contributing factors.