Hatteras, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets of Hatteras City, North Carolina, you have come to the right place. Our Hatteras, NC demographic report includes data on the local poverty rate, the number of people living in households with one car, and the number of children in the city. In North Carolina, 86.6% of residents age five and up speak only English and 91.5% of this age group speak it very well.

Hatteras is a thriving vacation destination, with plenty of attractions and activities for visitors. The island is home to the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum and half a dozen marinas. This small town also offers art galleries and shops, grocery stores, and several paint-your-own-pottery shops. Visitors to the area can enjoy the beach while grabbing lunch in one of the area's many restaurants.

Hatteras is home to numerous beaches and is famous for recreational fishing charters. The island also has the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum and the Hatteras / Ocracoke ferry docks. The area also offers a number of small shopping plazas, as well as a couple of restaurants. While the island may not have oceanfront restaurants, many have seasonal live entertainment. Local events schedules can also provide information on where to find additional entertainment.

Despite being a long way from the small Native American villages, Hatteras Village still holds a certain appeal for visitors. The island's pristine environment makes it a tranquil place. Its natural beauty is unspoilt, and locals eat well. A local seafood restaurant might even feature live music during the summer. That way, visitors can enjoy great seafood and live music while they wait for their food.