Hildebran, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for demographics on Hildebran NC? The city has a population of 1,834 people. You can learn about its gender breakdown using Radaris. Its male to female ratio is 47.8%, while its female to male ratio is 52.2%. This ratio is higher than the national average of 48.6% to 51.4%. In Hildebran, there are several neighborhoods and businesses worth exploring, including a variety of arts, culture, and food.

The median household income in Hildebran is $22,765. There are 374 households with incomes between $10,000 and $50,000, while 230 households earn over $100K. As you can see, the town has a fairly well-educated population. By comparison, there are several industries in Hildebran with higher-paying salaries, but the majority of people live in Hildebran, NC.

Another way to get an idea of the crime rate in Hildebran is to look at the town's demographics. A map of crime rates can be useful to help you determine the risk level of a neighborhood. Unlike many cities, Hildebran has a relatively low crime rate. Most crimes occur in areas where there are few people. However, despite this low crime rate, crime rates in Hildebran are not disproportionately high in those areas.

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