Hurdle Mills, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Official US Postal Service name for 27541 is HURDLE MILLS, North Carolina. Hurdle Mills is an unincorporated community in southern Person and northern Orange counties. It is located on North Carolina Highway 157 southwest of Roxboro, at an elevation of 614 feet. The population of Hurdle Mills was 3,770 as of the 2010 census. A map of the area is available online.

Listed below is a map of the population of Hurdle Mills. The population is broken down into five categories: underage, 18-24, and 25-44. Then, there are those aged 45-64, and those over 65. The median age of the population is 44.1 years. Diversity scores show the number of races in a neighborhood. The greener the area, the more diverse it is, while redder areas have a lower percentage of diversity. A high diversity score indicates that racial groups live in close proximity. For example, a city that has a population of all white people would be considered to have a low diversity score.