Icard, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Icar City are important to determine the quality of life of the citizens of this community. The racial makeup of the community is mainly composed of Black, Native American, and White. The income thresholds are set by the Census Bureau and differ according to family size and composition. A family earning below these thresholds is considered to be living in poverty. The job groups that most people in Icard, NC are those involving production, office and administrative support, and food preparation and serving related occupations.

There are numerous reasons to live in Icard City, including its affordability and diversity. There is a place for everyone in Icard. While some people prefer a smaller community, others prefer a large city. Whatever your reason for relocating, you'll be pleased with the city's education, cost, and quality of life. And as with most decisions about where to live, there are many reasons to consider Icard.

Cost of living is one of the most important considerations when making a move. Fortunately, the cost of living in Icard is lower than in most other cities and towns. Although some areas are more expensive than others, overall, the cost of housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and health care in Icard are less expensive. In North Carolina, however, the cost of healthcare and other goods is significantly higher than the national average.