Lake Santeetlah, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lake Santeetlah is 0.0% Hispanic. However, this doesn't mean that the area is exclusively Hispanic, as there are some ethnic groups that are also part of the general population. Hispanics may be of any race or ethnic background. For this reason, the population quotient for Lake Santeetlah is calculated based on the percentage of Hispanics in the entire city.

The percentage of residents living below the poverty line in Lake Santeetlah is 0.00%. This percentage differs from the national poverty rate of 14.1%. This number includes those individuals who are employed full-time, part-time, or have a disability. People who are non-citizens include legal residents, international students, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants.

The population of Lake Santeetlah City is 52 people. Of this, 58% are white and 48% are black or African American. The median age is 70 years. There is a 0% hispanic population. Ninety-three percent of Lake Santeetlah's residents are non-Hispanics and the average household size is 1.93 people.

The city is home to one full-service marina and fifty primitive campsites. It is situated in the Cheoah District, which includes 200 miles of hiking trails. Cheoah Point Recreation Area has swimming facilities, picnic areas, and a boat ramp. The town is home to a variety of cultural activities. It is popular with families and retirees alike. You can find a job in Lake Santeetlah or nearby.