Lattimore, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning on moving to Lattimore City, you may be wondering: What's the population of Lattimore City like? If you're looking for a place to start building your new home, consider this information. You'll be glad you did! The city is home to around 171 people. There are two major industries in Lattimore, North Carolina, which employ nearly half of its total workforce. These two industries also pay the highest wages in the city, generating over $171,500 in annual wages.

While one third of all American citizens are in the same age range, the city is home to a diverse population. The city has a 3.1% civilian population that identifies as black, and a 3.1% racial minority. The country as a whole has a 7.5% veteran population, but that number is higher in North Carolina. Nevertheless, Lattimore's racial makeup is not necessarily representative of the town.

As of the last census, the population of Lattimore City was 2,839,867. This figure was a decline from the previous year, when it was just over 3,000. There were 119 households with children under the age of 18, and 35. The number of households with an adult female was 16.6%. The town was also home to 17.6% of senior citizens living alone. The median age of residents was 23, and males outnumbered females by 100.

There are two wards in Lattimore City. Ward 3 is located in the northwest corner of the city. Ward 8 is to the east of the Anacostia River. Both areas are home to about the same amount of African-American residents. The population of Ward 8 is about a third the size of Ward 3, and only a small percentage of the population is Asian. As a result, Ward 3 is home to most Asian and Latino residents.