Misenheimer, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Misenheimer City, NC is made up of both native and foreign-born residents. While the median age is 20.4 years, the percentage of foreign-born residents is slightly higher than that. In fact, Misenheimer's median age is lower than that of its parent and neighboring geographies. The majority of foreign-born residents are from Mexico, India, and Honduras.

The median household income in Misenheimer, NC is $37,083. This is significantly less than the average income of $65,712 for North Carolina residents. It is important to note that males in the city earn on average $67,874 more than females do. Misenheimer, NC's median income is 0.472 percent lower than the state's average. Of the 259 people employed in Misenheimer, NC, the most common industries are Educational Services (96 people), Retail Trade (63 people), and Accommodation & Food Services (24 people). The highest paying industries in Misenheimer, NC are Manufacturing ($27083), Health Care & Social Assistance ($21696), and Construction ($17083).

In Misenheimer, NC, the median property value was $110,500 in 2019. This is 0.459 times lower than the national average. In Misenheimer, NC, 60% of households own their home. The median commute time for workers in Misenheimer, NC is 15.5 minutes. The median age for residents in Misenheimer, NC is 20.4 years old. Most residents are U.S. citizens, while 97.3% are foreign-born.