Moravian Falls, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Moravian Falls is composed of various ethnicities. The majority of the people live in one of the racial groups. Black residents make up the largest percentage of the population. However, the overall rate of poverty is much lower in the city. According to the census, 43.4% of the population lives in poverty, while only 4.87% live in the city's poorest neighborhoods.

There are eighty-two percent of owner-occupied homes in Moravian Falls. This city's average household size is 2.1. Nevertheless, quality of life is always a matter of opinion. Some people prefer walkability, others seek a peaceful neighborhood, while others love the proximity to open spaces and nature. However, the quality of life in Moravian Falls is subjective. The data presented in this section will give you an idea of the neighborhood's safety level.

While the city's cost of living is relatively low, some residents have to pay more to maintain their home. Monthly expenses, such as fuel, maintenance, tires, insurance, depreciation, taxes, financing, and license fees, are significantly lower than in neighboring cities. If you're considering moving to Moravian Falls, NC, make sure you read up on its cost-of-living and affordability before you make a decision.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the median household income in Moravian Falls is $33,958. However, this figure is not adjusted for inflation, and therefore the poverty rate remains high. There are also several reasons why people are forced to rent their home. The economic situation of the city is not as stable as it once was. A large share of the population lives in rented houses, a situation that could be indicative of a poor economy.