Newton Grove, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the population of Newton Grove City, you may want to learn the statistics about its residents. In the past decade, the city's population has decreased by a whopping 27.7%, and its commute times are nearly double the national average. Listed below are some interesting facts about this city, including its median home value, which is $122,000, and the percentage of residents who own their homes.

Households in Newton Grove City are overwhelmingly single-family dwellings. However, there are a few apartment buildings in the area. The number of people in each of these buildings has varied over the past decade. The Newton Centre census tract, for instance, is home to 86 percent owner-occupied housing. The Nonantum census tract, on the other hand, contains only 39 percent owner-occupied homes, with the remaining being rented out. In Newton Corner, the number of households is more evenly spread, with around 50 percent being owner-occupied.

Housing in Newton has been growing in recent years. Since 1990, the town has added a total of 1,787 new housing units. Of these, nearly half are single-family dwellings. The rest are apartments in five-unit buildings. This housing boom in Newton has contributed to a significant increase in the city's median home price. The median home price in Newton is 165 percent higher than the median home price in Greater Boston.