Pine Hall, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for some statistics about Pine Hall City, North Carolina, you've come to the right place. Listed below are the Population & Steets for Pine Hall City. You can also use these statistics to get a general idea of how many people live in Pine Hall. Once you have a good idea of the local population, you can search for other nearby cities and see how many people live in each.

The USPS assigns a default name to every ZIP Code, which means that each ZIP code has one default name. The city's ZIP code is 27042. However, the city is referred to by local residents as Pine Hall. The city's ZIP code can be found online. In addition to the 5 digit ZIP code, there is a 4-digit extension of the code called the ZIP+4 code. The last four digits designate a street segment, and the next four digits designate a side of the street. You can find your corresponding ZIP+4 address by entering the digits in the box below.

Pine Hall City's population is made up of a variety of groups. The oldest neighborhood, Old North End, straddles Wards 2 and 3. It was represented by Councilman David Pine. Pine said that the area is predominantly comprised of working class residents and renters. If you're looking for statistics on Pine Hall City, you should know that the population is only about 1,500 people.