Salemburg, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're interested in the history of Salemburg, its current political climate, or just curious about what you can expect in this northern New York city, Population & Steets in Salenburg can provide you with answers to these questions. The following is a quick look at the statistics related to this area. Compared to other nearby areas, Salemburg has a lower population density than many others. The median home value is $102,600, and the last 10 years have seen an average home appreciation of 11.0%.

The population of Salemburg is ethnically diverse. Residents identify as white, African-American, and German. The town is home to many immigrants, including those from Germany and Italy. About one in three residents is a homeowner. Sixty percent of the population attends high school, making it an excellent place to live. In addition to the ethnic makeup of Salemburg, the area is home to a diverse array of businesses and income levels.

Using Census data, this article focuses on renter-occupied housing units. As a result, we can see that the number of renter-occupied housing units in Salemburg is up 2.4% from the previous year. The number of evictions in Salemburg is significantly less than those in Vass and Kenansville, but this is not necessarily a good sign. The average rent per unit in Salemburg is $2,700, making it the second-highest in North Carolina.