Sherrills Ford, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you visit Sherrills Ford City, NC, you'll want to know some of the local demographics. The population of this small city is around 981 people, and the median household income is $55,547. You'll also want to check out nearby towns, if you plan to take a road trip or explore the local area. Here's a list of cities near Sherrills Ford, NC.

Sherrills Ford's violent crime rate is 4.13 crimes per 1,000 residents, based on a standard year. The southeast part of Sherrills Ford has the lowest rate of violent crime in the entire city. In central areas, the chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime are as high as 1 in 224, while they are almost nonexistent in the southeast part of the city. While these rates may seem counterintuitive, comparing crime rates in the city is important in making an informed decision on whether to live in Sherrills Ford or move elsewhere.

In addition to schools, there are many other amenities in Sherrills Ford. There are several grocery stores in the town, including Publix Super Market at the Village Shoppes. Broadband internet connections are available from terrestrial fixed wireless, satellite, and DOCSIS. There are several providers available in Sherrills Ford, NC, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.