Southmont, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick summary of the Population & Steets in Southmount City, Pennsylvania. You can also find out where the nearest grocery store is located. Listed below are some important facts about Southmont City. You can use these facts to better understand the city and the surrounding area. If you are looking for a more detailed analysis, you can consult the Southmont City, PA, population database.

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The majority of Southmont's residents identify as White, although you'll find people of Asian descent as well. Southmont is home to 13 percent of veterans among its civilian population aged 18 and older. North Carolina has a veteran population of 8.6%. The population of Southmont is mostly White and Asian, with minorities of Asian and Polish. As for the most common languages of the local residents, English is the predominant language, while Tagalog is also spoken.

According to the 2000 U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Southmont is divided into four groups, those aged 18 and over, and those aged 25 to 64. Twenty-nine percent of residents are 65 years old and older. The median age in Southmont, NC is 44 years old, while the highest percentage of non-families is 32%. In addition, there are 13.6% senior citizens who live alone.