Timberlake, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here are the latest statistics on the Population & Steets of Timberlake City. The city is located in Ohio, and there are several things to know before moving there. Here's a brief breakdown of some of the most important statistics:

The population of Timberlake is 13,396. That's lower than the previous year and nearly twice as many people have a bachelor's degree than the previous year. The majority of Timberlake residents hold a bachelor's degree, and 7% hold a graduate, master's, or doctorate degree. Occupations in Timberlake can be categorized into three main groups: blue-collar work, service sector jobs, and white-collar jobs.

The Census Bureau's December 2018 population statistics show that Timberlake, Ohio is home to a total of 718 people. That makes it the fourth most populous city in Ohio, behind Willoughby, Ohio. But with a 4% growth rate, the city is one-quarter the size of the state of Ohio. Listed below are the most recent statistics on the population of Timberlake. While the population of Timberlake is lower than the state average, it is still a significant part of the area.

There are several major cities in the vicinity of Timberlake. The nearest one is Minneapolis, which is just 194 miles away. If you're looking for a bigger city, you may want to look for flights to cities that are about four hours away. You can even search for cities that are close to Timberlake, SD. Then you'll know exactly what kind of people live there. That way, you'll know whether or not they live in a wealthy, privileged, or middle-class neighborhood.