Valle Crucis, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Valla Crucis City, New Mexico are not the same as in other cities. However, the city is still filled with young people looking for a place to call home. The median age is 43, and the average family consists of 2.7 members. The city has a moderately diverse population, ranking 18193 nationally and 520 in the state.

The Mast General Store was built in Valle Crucis, NC, in 1882. The Mast Family owned the store until the 1970s, and today it has seven locations in neighboring states. It specializes in outdoor gear, clothing, and candy. The town is also home to Caroline Eubanks, author of "This is my South" and a contributing writer for several travel publications.

The population in Valle Crucis City is largely White, with a slightly higher proportion of black residents. There are no other airmen in the area, and the percentage of homeowners is much higher than the national average of 64.1%. The city also has higher median household incomes than its parent and neighboring geographies. The number of people commuting by car is below the national average, with only 0% of workers having a super commute.

The population of Valle Crucis City is 226 people, with 0% of residents being Hispanic. The median household income is $37,440. The median age is 35.9. The city has a 0% Hispanic population. The city has 5 main ethnic groups, which are: