Ardoch, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking of visiting Ardoch City, you have to first know its population and steets. This city is located in the North Dakota state, so you might want to check out the surrounding towns and cities before you make your decision. There are many things to do in this town, so make sure you check out all the places that are close by before making your decision. You will also find useful information for tourists in this city.

The median gross rent in Ardoch, ND is $1,333,333. The median property tax in Ardoch is $800. Over 70% of the households in Ardoch City have access to broadband Internet. The city has a low crime rate and an average household income of $54,307.

The city's median age is 30 years old, making it a good place to raise a family and raise a child. The median income is $31,800, which makes it less expensive than the average city in America. Ardoch has a large number of military personnel who served in the Gulf War (2001-2003).

The median property value in Ardoch, ND is $41,500. This is higher than the national average of 64.1%. The average home is owned by an individual, and most households own 100% of their home. The median commute time is 25.5 minutes, and the average number of cars per household is zero. Those in Ardoch, ND are more likely to own a car than their counterparts in neighboring towns.