Cavalier, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following facts will give you a good idea of the Population & Steets in Cavalier City, North Dakota. These statistics are from the 2010 Census. The population of Cavalier City is comprised of approximately 1,302 residents, with 641 households and 333 families living within it. Its housing inventory is composed of approximately 723 dwelling units. The majority of people who live in Cavalier are white, with 95.4% of residents identifying as white. The rest of the population is comprised of Native Americans, Asian, and Hispanic, which together make up just over 2.6% of the population.

The area is largely rural, with only a few rural areas. The population of Cavalier is composed of people who are either a first-generation American or an immigrant from a foreign country. There are 895 registered voters in Cavalier. The majority of these people are white, with only 2.8% identifying as a minority. Only 1.2% of the adult population is American Indian. Approximately 3.7% of Cavalier residents identify as Hispanic.

The city's median household income is $35,667. The homeownership rate is 72.2%, and most residents drive alone. Car ownership is very common in Cavalier, with an average of two vehicles per household. The city's median age is 36 years old, with an average of two cars per household. Overall, there are approximately 1,130 people living in Cavalier, ND. Of these residents, 1.06% are of non-English origin.