Coleharbor, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the demographics of Coleharbor City, North Dakota, you've come to the right place. This article will give you an overview of the city's population and its steets, or demographics. You can also explore other demographics in the surrounding area, such as the median age. The median age in Coleharbor is 51.9, which is older than the national average of 38.1.

As for the overall population of Coleharbor City, ND, it's a good place to live. Its average household income is $54,639 per head, which is significantly lower than the national average of $63,200. Meanwhile, its population is only 10.9% smaller than the national average. The city is known for its thriving economy, which is reflected in its low unemployment rate.

The population of Coleharbor City is 87. The population has increased by 12.3% since the year 2020. The median home price is $243,600. The home appreciation over the last 10 years is 2.2%. A census-computed estimate of population growth is also available. But before assessing the city's future prospects, it's crucial to understand its demographics. Here are some facts that will help you better understand the community.

The city's population is spread out. Twenty-three percent of residents are under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of residents are between 25 and 44. Another twenty-three percent are 65 and older. The city's gender distribution is almost equal: males are 130.4 percent higher than females. Despite the low percentages of older residents, Coleharbor's average age is only 43 years old.