Dunn Center, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median household income in Dunn, NC is $51,630. This is less than the United States median of $65,712 and is lower than the state and neighboring geographies. Dunn has a high homeownership rate of 64.5%. The median commute time for people living in Dunn is 25.5 minutes. The majority of Dunn residents drive alone to work. As for race, the highest paid race or ethnicity in Dunn is Asian, while the minority race/ethnicity is White.

The percentage of households with health insurance in Dunn, NC is 88.7%. Twenty-seven percent of residents pay taxes that range from $800 to $1499 a year. Eighty-six percent of residents of Dunn drive alone to work, while eight percent carpool. Another 8.5 percent of residents worked from home. For more information about Dunn, NC, click here.