Edgeley, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Edgely City, North Dakota? A quick look at Edgeley, North Dakota's demographics reveals that the population is mainly white (95.3%), with only a slight majority of black or Hispanic residents. Among the workers in Edgeley, there are three main groups: blue-collar employees, white-collar workers, and those who dropped out of college.

Crime in Edgeley, North Dakota is lower than in nearby cities. Crime rates in the city are below the state and national average. However, some areas of the city are not as safe as the surrounding areas, like the airport. This may lead you to believe that crime rates in Edgeley are higher in areas where there are a lot of people. And that's not entirely true. There are many places in Edgeley where you can find a good security service, including the nearby city of Minot.

The median property value in Edgeley was $112,500 in 2019. That's 0.468 times less than the national average. The city has a 66.7% homeownership rate, and a median household income of $42,500. The city has a Hispanic or Latino population of 1.2%. For more information about the community, check out its demographics! The city has plenty of things to offer.

The median monthly rent in Edgeley, North Dakota is $424. As far as internet access is concerned, 66.4% of households have access to broadband Internet. Edgeley is also home to several businesses. Listed below are some of these companies in the area. The demographics of Edgeley are shown below. While there is a low percentage of unemployed citizens, there are still plenty of places to find employment.