Edmore, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article is about the Population & Steets in Edmor City, North Dakota. The population of this small town is around 180 people as of the 2019 census. The town is located at an elevation of 1,513 feet and on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad line. To get to Edmore, take US Highway 2 west from Grand Forks. From there, take state highway 1 to Lakota, which will take you to SH17 and Edmore. Within 45 miles of the city is Devils Lake.

The population of Edmore is just over a thousand people, which ranks in the middle of Michigan cities. The average age of the city's population is just under forty. The most comfortable months to live in the area are July and August, while January is the least pleasant. While Grand Rapids is the economic and cultural center of western Michigan, Edmore has been a manufacturing center since the mid-19th century. Its industry has transitioned from making furniture to high-tech office furniture.

The population of Edmore is mostly employed in manufacturing and retail, which make up 15% of the local labor force. Transportation is also a major employer. The median income for workers in Edmore is $48K, which is about $14,000 less than the average Michigan resident's. It is about $73,345 lower than the national average. The city is home to a large number of older adults with Associate's and Bachelor's degrees.