Fort Ransom, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the United States, the average poverty rate for cities is about 10 to 13%, and Fort Ransom is no exception. While it may be small, its population is growing at a faster pace than other cities. The median home price in Fort Ransom is $89,200, and the city has an average appreciation rate of 2.2% over the past decade. The population of Fort Ransom is also a lot lower than the national average, and the city's median home price is $89,200.

The cost of living in Fort Ransom is below the national average, and significantly lower than that of other cities in the area. The cost of utilities, groceries, transportation, and many other goods are lower than the average. The average cost of living in Fort Ransom is well below the state and federal average. While housing is slightly higher, food, clothing, and transportation are cheaper than the national average. However, there are some areas that are more expensive than average.

The average income in Fort Ransom is $62,500, slightly below the median in the United States. The highest percentage of Fort Ransom households own two cars. Fort Ransom's median household income is $46,250, making it lower than the national average. Fort Ransom has many businesses and is home to 54 people. It employs 10 people in the Construction and Manufacturing industries. Twenty-four percent of residents are on Medicaid or Medicare, and only 1% have a military or VA health plan.