Great Bend, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Great Bend City? This small Midwest town is home to approximately 10,600 people of voting age, with approximately 47.0% males and 53.0% females. The city is largely white, with only 2.3% Black or Two or more races. A small percentage of the population is Hispanic, making up 22.3% of the population. For more information, see the Great Bend, Kansas Population & Steets Report.

In terms of education, the area has a higher-than-average percentage of residents with less than a high school diploma. On the other hand, the city has a significantly higher percentage of people with college degrees. The percentage of adults with a bachelor's degree is higher than the national average, indicating a good combination of education and career success. The area also has lower rates of unemployment, but those are offset by higher than average college graduation rates.

In terms of the area, Great Bend is one of the smaller cities in Kansas. It is home to Barton Community College. The median home value in Great Bend is $94,143. The average household size is 2.20. Overall, the city has a low rate of crime, with only one fatality per thousand residents. The median age is 36.3, compared to the average of 37.4 years in the US. The median household size is 2.4, and the city's population is considered to be of voting age.

The median income in Great Bend, KS is $47,574, which means that nearly half of the population lives in poverty. The highest paying industries in Great Bend are Manufacturing and Health Care & Social Assistance, which employ about 85% of residents. The average education level for residents is a high 78.3%. In fact, it is the third highest-earning city in Kansas. The unemployment rate is 3.04 percent, which is a high rate for a small town.