Honeyford, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Honey Ford City? The following information will help you better understand the demographics of this small North Dakota city. There are 83.9% white residents, 1.0% black residents, and 1.9% Asian residents living in Honeyford. The median household income is $34,712, while the average household income is $42,435. Honeyford, North Dakota has a high school graduation rate of 76%.

There is a racial diversity map in Honeyford for those who would like to find out which race is more prevalent. The map shows the self-identified racial majority for each area, with darker shades showing larger racial numbers. The diversity map in Honeyford City shows areas of the city that are more ethnically diverse, with green areas being the most ethnically diverse. Red areas, on the other hand, are considered to be less ethnically diverse than green areas. Diversity means a variety of races living together, and an area that has all black or white residents is racially isolated.

When the local Conservative Party sought to make the councilors vote in favor of a racial minority, Marcus Fox arranged an adjournment debate on the issue in Parliament. This was met with a racial backlash and he ended up losing his seat. The campaign against Honeyford led to a racial backlash against the city, and the city council failed to dismiss Honeyford because of lack of a legal reason.