Maida, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Maida City? Maida City is a city in North Dakota, with 100.0% white residents and 0.0% black and Asian residents. Despite the minority of ethnic groups, the area boasts a high rate of high school graduation, 100% homeownership, and low crime rates. Below is a snapshot of the population and steets of Maida City.

The Central Area's demographics changed dramatically between 1990 and 2000. The neighborhood's population rose by 10 percent to 22,000, with the increase coming from whites and Latinos. African Americans declined in proportion, going from more than half of the neighborhood's residents to just one-third. The demographics of Maida City have undergone a sweeping change. This report provides a snapshot of the neighborhood's diversity.