Maxbass, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you have any idea about the population and steets in Maxbass City? This article will tell you! Maxbass is a small city in North Dakota and is located in Dakota County. The surrounding towns are also located within 113 miles of Maxbass City. If you want to know how safe Maxbass is, read on to find out! In addition to this, it is easy to find other important information about Maxbass, including its history and current situation.

In 2019, Maxbass, ND had a population of 107, which is 0.333 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate was 69.4%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. In 2019, Maxbass had a median property value of $80,000, and most residents commuted alone to work. There were about 2 cars per household, and the median property value was $80,000.

Among the racial or ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Maxbass, ND are White, Black, and Native American. These statistics are indicative of the poverty rates in neighboring cities. The median gross rent in Maxbass, ND is $772 per month. The median racial or ethnic group in Maxbass is a White female, while a Black male earns $47,030. The lowest income group is Native American.

The violent crime rate for Maxbass is 2.07 per 1,000 people. Violent crime rates are much higher in the southeast than in central Maxbass. Aside from the violent crime rate, this map also shows the type of crimes that occur in the city, as well as the severity of each crime. However, Maxbass is considered safe by most residents in the northwest part of the city.