Merricourt, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population / steets of Merricourt City? A quick way to determine the number of people living in Merricourt is by looking at the map below. The map closely resembles a population map of the state of Michigan, showing a simple count of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Although the violent crime rate is low in Merricourt, it is higher in areas that see a high volume of visitors.

If you're wondering where Merricourt, ND is located, look up the nearest major airport. Merricourt, ND is located approximately 100 miles southwest of Minneapolis, ND. However, it is a relatively small town. There are no major airports within 4 hours of Merricourt. However, the area does have numerous smaller airports and cities nearby. When traveling to a smaller city, make sure to consider how long the flight will take you.

Merricourt, North Dakota, is located in Dickey County. The area's climate is humid and warm year-round. The city is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. It is near Young, Edgeley, Whitestone, Hamburg, and Potsdam. This area is a popular location for retirees, as it is close to the Twin Cities of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.