Parshall, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Parsley City? First, you need to know the city's zip code. The USPS has assigned Parshall, North Dakota, ZIP code 58770. The city is located in the Minot - Bismark metro area, but some areas of the city are also located in McLean County. Parshall is officially referred to as PARSHALL by the USPS.

Per capita income is higher in Parshall than in North Dakota, but there are still many people who live in lower-income communities. Parshall's median household income is $46,500, compared to $47,900 in neighboring North Dakota. A median household income of $31,600 is the median for a city of this size. If you're looking for a home in Parshall, ND, check out the median home price of $77,400.

Parshall's population density is just shy of a mile per person, so it isn't much smaller than New Town. Despite the fact that it's smaller, Parshall's population is higher than the median age in neighboring New Town. This means that the average Parshall resident is 27 years old. Parshall is home to a diverse range of ages, and you're sure to find someone you'll like.

Parshall is home to a mix of races. The percentage of Native and Hispanic residents is just under 4%. The largest percentage of Parshall's population is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanic and middle-range Asian. The minority population, however, is 0.804% less diverse than the majority of Parshall. If you live in Parshall, ND, it's worth knowing the percentage of each race.