Solen, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population - What is the Solen City population? This article will give you some facts about the population of Solen. If you are looking to relocate to Solen, you should know about the economic indicators of the city. In addition, you should know about the steets and population. These are important statistics to have for your future. So, let's begin with some basic information about Solen.

This city was founded in 1838 and is one of the first cities to use a comprehensive zoning plan. The zoning plan separated the town center and bedroom communities from industrial areas. Its zoning has also encouraged the development of residential and retail centers. As a result, the city is home to more than a thousand people. Its population grew rapidly, from three hundred in 1850 to 20,000 today.

The median age in Solon was 43.1 years. Twenty-three percent were under the age of 18 and 7% were aged 25-44. Forty-seven percent were 45-64. Twelve percent of the population was 65 and older. As a suburban city, Solon has enough jobs to support its residential population. Therefore, it isn't a "bedroom community" for those who are not employed.