Wheelock, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Wheelcock City are calculated from the most recent American Community Survey data. These statistics are updated yearly as new data is made available. However, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. The population and steets of Wheelock City are provided for informational purposes only. For further information, please consult the Wheelock City demographics page. In addition to presenting general information about the community, the information on this page includes statistics on the number of residents, average age, and race.

The overall crime rate in Wheelock is 9.77 crimes per thousand residents. The city is considered safest in the northwest, while the east is considered less safe. In comparison, the odds of being a victim of property crime are one in 86 in the east part of the city and one in 150 in the northwest section. Comparing the rates between the two parts of the city is not as intuitive as it may sound.

The population of Wheelock is around 2,050 people. The Wheelock area is 3.5 square miles in size, and has a population of around 2,050 people. This city is ranked number 18 in Vermont. It is home to nine cities and twenty-four towns, four gores, and four grants. The full rankings of these entities can be found here. While Vermont is the second smallest state in terms of population, the city is ranked fourth in overall age.