Alvordton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Alvordton is located in the state of Ohio. The population is primarily composed of renters. As a result, many of the apartments and houses for rent in Alvordton are rental units. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are more than 6,000 rental units in Alvordton. Of those, nearly half are occupied by renters.

Alvordton is located within Williams County. The city has an estimated population of 788. It is within the region code 419 and area code 567. The area has a low unemployment rate (3.2%) compared to the national and state averages of 4.5% and 3.9 percent, respectively.

Alvordton City has an average commute time of 19.3 minutes. The median home price is $112,100. Over the last decade, home prices in Alvordton have appreciated at an average of 5.6%. While this may not seem alarming, the fact that the city has a small population does not necessarily indicate a high crime rate.

The population of Alvordton, OH was 247 in 2010. Of these, 100 percent of the population is American and 0% is foreign born. As for the racial composition, the most common race in Alvordton is White (Non-Hispanic). Twelve American Indian & Alaska Native (Hispanic) residents made up the second most diverse group.