Cardington, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Cardington, Ohio is located on the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway. The population of Cardington is approximately 1,362. The town is located approximately 98 miles southwest of Cleveland and 38 miles north of Columbus. Cardington is located at 40 1/2 degrees north, longitude 6' west. There are numerous points of interest in and around the Cardington area. Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting the town.

Almost one-third of the population in Cardington is employed in a professional, executive, or managerial position. Twenty-seven percent of those in the 15-to-64 age group are employed in the service industry. The remainder are employed in blue-collar or white-collar roles. The median income for residents in this city is $32,740. The area has a diverse economy, ranging from manufacturing to retail.

The median age in Cardington is thirty-one years, which is slightly younger than the United States. Cardington's population includes 97.7% white residents, 0.19% black residents, and 0.1% Hispanics. About 7.4% of residents work for the government. The median household income in Cardington is $34,394.

The majority of real estate in Cardington / Fernwood is owner-occupied. Many of the residences were built between 1940 and 1969. Some of the early residents were Methodists, including John Shur and George Rose. Eventually, the Methodists became the dominant church in Cardington. If you're looking for a home in this area, be sure to check out the Cardington / Fernwood neighborhood.