Cherry Fork, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics: In 2019, the population of Cherry Fork, OH was 326. The median property value was $66,200, and the homeownership rate was 88.5%. The median household income was $48,750, and there are four cars per household. The majority of the population is U.S. citizen, with no foreign-born residents. In terms of race, the population of Cherry Fork is overwhelmingly white.

In terms of poverty rates, 5.2% of the non-military labor force is below the federal poverty line. The median household income in Cherry Fork, OH is $48,750, which is lower than the state and national averages. The median income in Cherry Fork, OH is $48,750, and the median household size is 2.5 persons. Approximately 88% of housing units are owner-occupied, while 11.5% are rented. Nearly 27% of housing units in Cherry Fork are older than 40 years old.

The most common foreign-born countries are India and China, followed by Mexico and the United States. However, the population of Cherry Fork, OH is mostly US-born. It has a large percentage of veterans from the Gulf War (1990s).