Chesapeake, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table contains data on the Population & Steets of Chesapeake City, Virginia. The population density is reported in people per square mile, and is compared to the state and national averages. You can also view the median age of the population in the city. Listed below are some interesting facts about the area. We hope you enjoy your visit! This article also provides you with information on the local economy.

The Chesapeake City, Maryland, population is estimated at 242,647. It has a total area of 338 square miles. The Hispanic/Latino population makes up 6.5% of the total population. Those who are interested in learning more about Chesapeake City can also visit its town hall located at 210 Chesapeake Street, Maryland.

While the population is growing, Chesapeake is still a small town. Residents are still able to find many places to shop and enjoy fun educational opportunities. The town has many businesses to support its residents, and a vibrant local community is a great asset. If you're considering moving to Chesapeake, you may want to consider this area. You'll feel like home in no time.

The age distribution of the population in Chesapeake City is also interesting. The proportion of people in the city who are between 30 and 39 is the lowest, and the highest proportion of people are between 50 and 69 years old. The median age of the population is 53.4. In Chesapeake City, there are also many apartments and houses for rent. In fact, it is so much easier to find the best place to live.