Colerain, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Colerained City. The township is 7.0% smaller than the state of Ohio, and its foreign-born population is the highest in the South Central region of the U.S. There are also a few other stats worth noting. The population is made up of both white and black residents, and the state average is 13.2%. Here are the details of the local government's foreign-born population.

The U.S. Census Bureau is the source for population statistics, and the most recent rebased figures can be found here. The changes are based on census block data, so this is a more accurate representation of the current population. If you're planning on visiting the area, make sure you check out the population density and stats below. There are also other informational resources on Colerain City, OH, including the local school districts.

There are many interesting statistics about the township. For example, the number of unmarried women is 6.3% in Colerain City, which is slightly higher than the state average. In fact, the township is the state's largest unwed township, and has the highest percentage of young mothers, with over half of all these women being aged 15-19. However, Colerain's unwed mothers are among the most vulnerable to poverty, making it important for these statistics to be analyzed.