Farmdale, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the population and steets of a city, it's important to consider how many people live in a particular area. Counting the number of people in a given neighborhood is a great way to find out how safe it is, but you should also consider crime rates. Crime rates in Farmdale are much lower than the national average. In other words, there are less people living in the city, so fewer crimes may occur than in an area with a higher population density.

The City of Farmingdale is located in the Eastern part of New York. It is served by Republic Airport, a general aviation reliever. The NICE route n70 runs through the city, and the Long Island Rail Road also has a station there. The major roads in Farmdale include Fulton Street, Conklin Street, and Broad Hollow Road. The city is located near Bethpage State Parkway and the Southern State Parkway, and has a transit oriented development called New York 27.

The population of Farmingdale is 8,189 as of the 2010 census. The city is located in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County and is approximately 37 miles from Midtown Manhattan. It is served by the Ronkonkoma Branch of the LIRR. For transportation, the best routes include the Long Island Expressway or the Seaford Oyster Bay Expressway. The population is diverse, with a median age of 35.