Haskins, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the demographics of Haskins City, you'll need to know how many people live there. This article will discuss Haskins's population, including the number of people under the age of 20 and the percentage of senior citizens. The data for this city also provides information about the race and ethnicity of its residents. The following chart will give you an overview of Haskins' population and its composition.

Haskins is a very family-friendly city. The school system is good, crime is low, and the neighboring communities are generally supportive of education. There are many homes for sale in Haskins, and the majority of residents own their own homes. Although there are no major nightclubs or clubs in town, Haskins offers a solid atmosphere for families. There are several parks for families, and the population is composed of mostly single-family homes.

The percentage of married couples living in Haskins City is surprisingly low, with just 0.6 percent. That's significantly lower than the percentage for Perrysburg, which is 6.6 percent bigger than Haskins. Still, Haskins is home to the lowest percent of households with married couples. If you're looking for the most affordable house, look for one in a neighborhood where rents are less expensive.

While Haskins' economy may seem slow compared to other communities, there are some positives. For example, Haskins has a low percentage of unemployed individuals, and a very high percentage of people who work from home are employed in knowledge-based professions. While most at-home workers are employed by a company, others are self-employed. There is no shortage of work in this area, so this city has an impressive number of skilled workers.