Kerr, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population in Kerrville is about 32 percent white. The remainder is Black and other races. The population of Kerrville is projected to grow over the next several decades, with a substantial increase in the senior population. This increase in the senior population is largely a result of increased life expectancy. More than one in three Kerrville residents are 65 years or older, a statistic higher than the statewide average.

As the population of the city continues to grow, more annexation will be necessary. The annexation process will be voluntary and will be timed with new residential construction. The current population projections do not assume the annexation of residential areas, which are already developed.

The town's growth was initially catalyzed by German immigrants who fled the San Antonio area. Charles Schreiner established a massive cattle ranch and became Kerrville's first merchant. Another prominent figure was Captain Joseph A. Tivy, who was a Civil War veteran and fellow rancher. His donation of land allowed the community to build the first school in the area. The building now serves as the administration center for the Kerrville Independent School District.

In the past few decades, Kerrville's population has been a declining proportion of the county's overall population. The decline is largely due to dispersed development activity. In fact, Kerrville's share of county population is only about 46.8%, which is below the state's average.