Lemoyne, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article, we will discuss the Population & Steets in Leoyne City, Pennsylvania. This city is located in Lemoyne County. This Pennsylvania city is home to approximately 2,600 residents. It has a low rate of naturalization and foreign birthplace. This percentage is less than the national average. The median age is 35 years old, and the population is largely white.

People who live in Lemoyne City tend to commute by car. This is faster than the average commute time for people in other cities in Nebraska. Most residents commute by car, although public transportation is not very popular. Walking is another option for getting around the city. Listed below are some statistics about the area's population. The following are some interesting facts about the population of Lemoyne City.

In Lemoyne, PA, there are around 2,208 households. Of those households, 1,169 are families, while the rest are non-family households. There are 452 children living in Lemoyne, and there are 1,750 households without children. The median income for Lemoyne City residents is $63,915, while the cost of housing is about $1,104 per month.

Burglary rates are lower in Lemoyne than in surrounding communities, and it is safer than the state average. Lemoyne's burglary rate is below the national average, but is better than the state average. The southeast area is considered the safest, while the north portion has a slightly higher rate of burglaries than the central part.